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We will never share your email address with others, and each email includes a 1-click unsubscribe link.
Simply integrate the DropPage into your existing website or send your customers the direct link. The customer can add documents himself, which are then archived directly in PaperOffice.
Fully customize the DropPage, add your logo and personal greeting for your customer. Or create a separate DropPage for each client!
You can choose the web address yourself in the format https://droppage.paperoffice.com/YOUR_WISHNAME and create an unlimited number of web addresses.
Instead of sending files by email, your customers can easily upload them directly to PaperOffice via any web browser.
You are free to design your DropPages any way you like, change the color of their appearance and even add your own logo or text.
You are free to design your DropPages any way you like, change the color of their appearance and even add your own logo or text.
You choose the web address freely in the format https://droppage.paperoffice.com/YOUR_WISHNAME and can send it directly to your customers as a link or integrate the DropPage, e.g. as an iframe on your existing website.
You can assign a fixed storage rule to each DropPage and thus create a separate DropPage with individual specifications for each customer or client, for example.
You can assign a fixed storage rule to each DropPage and thus create a separate DropPage with individual specifications for each customer or client, for example.
In the settings you can determine which file types, which maximum file size and how many files per upload your DropPage accepts.
“In industry, the topic of digitization is becoming more and more noticeable. This applies, for example, to our technical data sheets, customer data, calculations or our plans, drawings and configurations. After the introduction of PaperOffice DMS, the manual effort could be reduced. We are now pioneers in digitization in production companies, Industry 4.0.”