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Documents can be logically linked to any number of contacts to display all documents of a specific contact in a flash.
You can store extensive information and address data for each contact and even store IBAN and tax number for PIA AutoContact.
Do you need contact fields that are not available by default? Then simply create your own fields and save what you want.
Found contacts are logically linked to the document to enable viewing of all documents for a specific contact with just a few clicks.
Import your contacts easily to PaperOffice directly from your Outlook or thanks to a CSV file.
Import your contacts easily to PaperOffice directly from your Outlook or thanks to a CSV file.
Store IBAN and tax numbers with your contacts, PaperOffice will suggest that documents containing this VAT ID number be linked to this contact.
Any contact fields can be stored for each individual user in order to customize the user keywording.
Any contact fields can be stored for each individual user in order to customize the user keywording.
Create custom contact keywords or contact categories to later filter the contact search and display.