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Digital specialist solutions for lawyers and law firms

Automation of business processes and process optimization are the prerequisites for efficiency and success. The need for it is no longer an optional luxury, but a must in order to remain competitive in the long term.

Professional tip

Important documents in existing paper form, such as pleadings, client documents, drafts, external court letters, research, expert opinions are replaced by electronic documents thanks to digitization and thus optimize all work processes to the maximum.

PaperOffice not only enables document management, but makes it possible also instant access to up-to-date and accurate client files.

Digitization for law firms, lawyers and management consultants

With today's flood of digital and paper data, it is important to ensure that important documents are not lost and are available at the right time.

Lawyers, legal departments, law firms and management consultants as well as notaries benefit significantly from the use of suitable data management.

Important documents accumulate in law firms on a daily basis: pleadings, client documents, drafts, external court letters, research, expert opinions and much more. These do not only arrive by post, many client letters also arrive by email.

Monitor with PaperOffice and Jura folders next to it
Efficient work thanks to digitization

All of these documents need to be digitized if they arrive in paper form, require structured filing, task and workflow assignment, and need to be immediately available on demand.

Because the highly technical processes in the automotive industry require a perfect flow of information and structured execution. The necessary advantages can only be achieved thanks to digitization.

It is very important that important deadlines are met and legal measures are taken to store documents.

PaperOffice DMS gives you a clear structure in your documents and helps you to cope with the flood of information.

PaperOffice eliminates all time-consuming bottlenecks and creates a clear overview of important documents such as contracts or letters by managing them digitally in PaperOffice in the future.

Work efficiently thanks to digitization

Being right and being righted are not always one and the same. The situation is similar with entrepreneurial decisions about which path to take for a successful future. The industries that deal with helping their customers to get their rights or to find the right way for the company are lawyers and management consultancies.

Lawyers as members of public law have a special status, but also a special responsibility. In management consultancies, for example, there are often also lawyers in addition to engineers and business economists. In a very complex social and economic structure like that in Germany, practically every step is accompanied by possible legal consequences. Probably the most important foundation for these structures is the, ideally, complete documentation of all processes.

That's exactly what PaperOffice DMS is, a document management software that can do much more than just manage documents.

PaperOffice does not distinguish between the types of documents, regardless of whether you need help managing client contracts, briefs, fee statements, judgements, and e-mail correspondence: thanks With the document management system PaperOffice, your previous processes in your law firm or company are digitized, making them more efficient, transparent and significantly more flexible. PaperOffice meets the highest security standards such as authorization management or the granting of access rights.
Negotiations for a contract
Digitization with PaperOffice brings immense advantages

There is no way around automation for lawyers and management consultants

For lawyers & management consultancies, this means maintaining a very extensive client or customer file, which must also have a few special features. For example, the principles of the GDPR must be observed and, of course, lawyers are bound by the absolute duty of confidentiality, which not only applies to oral statements, but also to the safe storage of documents protected against unauthorized persons. There is also an obligation to comply with legal and contractually agreed deadlines.

In some cases, non-compliance with these deadlines can have criminal consequences, but mostly only civil consequences. For management consultancies, the protection of their clients' trade secrets is also of paramount importance.

PaperOffice meets the highest security standards such as authorization management, various access levels and the assignment of access authorizations. The user defines the individual work steps in exactly the same way as they are carried out in the company, for example the "recording", "checking", "release" and "booking" of invoices.

Responsibility can be assigned not only to individuals, but also to user groups such as "Accounting" or "Tenancy Lawyers" so that a colleague can step in immediately if an employee is absent.

The OCR technology not only recognizes the document content, but also all tax-relevant data fields such as document number, date, net, tax and gross amount. The imported data is available for controlling evaluations, payment transactions and financial accounting. This saves tiresome entry work and reduces posting errors.

With just one mouse click, the data including the archiving location can be exported to your client or vice versa. These can also be provided with passwords.

Discussions with the lawyer
The process-oriented DMS supports you with digital workflow solutions and task management functions

The solution: proven know-how

Doesn't it make sense to use management software in practice right away? that not only meets all requirements, but is also easy to learn and inexpensive?

PaperOffice DMS is the tried and tested complete solution for digital work and, with over 20 years of market experience, one of the first DMS pioneers.

Perfect workflows for lawyers and management consultants

In Germany there are currently around 150,000 individual regulations from federal and state laws and regulations. Every area of ​​social and economic life is regulated. In order to master the jungle of paragraphs, lawyers specialize in certain areas just like management consultancies, and yet there is no lawyer or management consultant who knows all the legal requirements of his or her special area. Especially since new laws or judgments are constantly changing the current situation at any time. It needs the right software, capable of learning, fast and safe.

PaperOffice DMS is the right software because it comes with everything that lawyers and management consultancies need, for example:

  • Storage of documents in all digital formats according to the principles of the GDPR
  • Functions for submitting and resubmitting late documents that require action
  • A self-learning data storage function with tagging and internal search engine
  • Automatic assignment of newly added documents to the correct folder
  • Simple database creation and database connection including individually customizable mask
  • Automated template creation for repetitive processes and operations

Digital transformation with PaperOffice DMS is revolutionizing the legal sector

Paper stack in the law office
Paperless law firm - there is no way around automation for lawyers and management consultants

The PaperOffice workflow function simplifies communication between the secretariat and lawyers. The process-oriented document management ensures that these documents remain up to date with little effort.

PaperOffice supports this with an extensive task and workflow module.

In this way, certain process chains can be created and existing operational processes can be defined on electronic documents and partially executed automatically.

This represents error-free process optimization, because the task can not only be assigned to employees with specific user rights and completion periods, require digital release, but also automatically trigger further actions, such as email notifications or document status changes. Which is an absolute MUST in the legal sector.

Digitization with PaperOffice brings immense advantages

Optimize your working time by up to 7.5% compared to paper-based work thanks to the use of PaperOffice DMS.

Save time finding, routing and sharing documents.

Of course, PaperOffice DMS allows the migration and integration of existing digital data from existing software solutions.

At the same time, PaperOffice DMS is the interface between analogue and digital. Using its scan function, the software can read analog documents, plans and photos into the system and digitize them using scanners, but also recordings from mobile phones, whereby texts are converted into writing using OCR and can be changed in Office programs.

Time stamps and versioning ensure that the digital document corresponds to the analogue original.

PaperOffice DMS is not only extensive in its functions, but also easy to learn, guided by video tutorials, but also by individual advice and training if desired. All this at a really good price-performance ratio.


To conclude, we will answer a few commonly asked questions on the topic. "Digitization for law firms, lawyers and management consultants":

How can employees access PaperOffice?

Due to the decentralized and modern program architecture, PaperOffice can be used on almost any device - from classic PCs to smartphones / tablets to televisions.

What happens to the data if PaperOffice doesn't exist?

Won't happen, but to reassure you: You can export your data ANYTIME, because PaperOffice is based on an open database structure, you can access your data at any time.

Topic data protection: Where are all documents stored?

PaperOffice will store all documents in-house with high-level encryption, making it immune to data theft, for example, and exceeding all GDPR and GOBD requirements.
Avoid mistakes: NEVER save the data in a third-party cloud!

Can PaperOffice be adapted exactly to specifications?

Yes, PaperOffice can be 100% adapted to the intended use to ensure seamless integration into existing processes and systems. Even the program interface can be fully designed and freely adapted.


PaperOffice DMS supports lawyers and management consultants and offers appropriate interfaces to other software, API connections and can be expanded at any time according to your wishes. The software is easy to learn and can be easily integrated into everyday practice without causing absences for training purposes.

PaperOffice DMS recommends using a NAS (network-supported data storage) with a backup function so that important data is neither lost nor spied on in third-party clouds.

Ultimately, PaperOffice DMS impresses with a very good price-performance ratio and immense know-how through over 20 years of practical experience.

PaperOffice solves every problem: Guaranteed.

Case study

Digital change in product development - successful document management

“In industry, the topic of digitization is becoming more and more noticeable. This applies, for example, to our technical data sheets, customer data, calculations or our plans, drawings and configurations. After the introduction of PaperOffice DMS, the manual effort could be reduced. We are now pioneers in digitization in production companies, Industry 4.0.”

Mr. Antonio Jesús Sánchez
Managing Director and Product and Process Engineer at Butterfly Engineers S.L.