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PaperOffice carries out full text recognition for each document and supports over 160 languages. Also Arabic and Cyrillic!
The entire search catalog is indexed using SQL for lightning-fast network-wide keyword searches across all available documents.
With the integrated advanced search, you are guaranteed to find everything immediately and you can even filter, export and edit entire lists again.
Everything you save in PaperOffice is automatically fully text-recognized with PaperOffice FileOCRmax, optimized with business dictionaries and indexed for a perfect keyword search in your SQL database for a keyword search.
Train, improve or change the OCR text recognition according to your specifications with the integrated PaperOffice SmartSpell.
Train, improve or change the OCR text recognition according to your specifications with the integrated PaperOffice SmartSpell.
You can choose whether PaperOffice reads the document text for digital documents such as searchable PDF or Word files directly or carries out analog text recognition including text optimization identical to scan files, for example.
PaperOffice automatically recognizes the document language and thus optimizes the OCR text recognition to an absolute maximum for the best possible text recognition of all documents.
PaperOffice automatically recognizes the document language and thus optimizes the OCR text recognition to an absolute maximum for the best possible text recognition of all documents.
You will never want to give up the keyword search in PaperOffice again, and the search filter will allow you to find every document, no matter how detailed - e-mail delivery, export to Excel or file system included!