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Your personal database server will be set up immediately and ready to run, optimized for PaperOffice and constantly monitored by our team for high performance.
The entire server management as well as maintenance, updates and patches is taken care of by the PaperOffice technical team and ensures you the best possible database without losing any time.
Not only is your server external and therefore safe from theft, manipulation and water/fire - you always have access to the data from the last 10 days. Even stored in your home if you wish.
Your own PaperOffice server has the very latest hardware, is protected against failure by redundant systems and is completely administered and maintained for you by the PaperOffice TechTeam.
Your entire server is mirrored daily and a backup image is created, which is then backed up again for the last 10 days for perfect data security.
Your entire server is mirrored daily and a backup image is created, which is then backed up again for the last 10 days for perfect data security.
The standard symmetrical connection with 1000Mbit and memory up to 40GB gives you enough bandwidth for simultaneous work from anywhere by any number of PaperOffice users.
For maximum data security, all server data can be directly FTPed to you daily, you can access the database in real-time and even use replicated slave servers.
For maximum data security, all server data can be directly FTPed to you daily, you can access the database in real-time and even use replicated slave servers.
Because your server is securely located in the Strato data center in Berlin, you not only have completely decentralized document storage, but are also absolutely secure against theft, manipulation and data leaks.
“PaperOffice is one of the best document management systems that we know. Thanks to the different price options, everyone in the company can afford digitization.”
Henrique Santos
Managing director of the pharmacy in Portugal