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Professional tip

Immerse yourself in the profound changes that AI automation is bringing to everyday business.
From optimizing traditional processes to opening up completely new business areas - learn how AI is revolutionizing the way companies work and opening up innovative horizons.

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has conquered the business world and is fundamentally changing everyday business life. The talk of AI is everywhere - from automated stock investments to the integration of AI into business processes.

But what does the reality of AI implementation in business actually look like? In this article, we take a look at the multiple impacts of AI automations on the enterprise and how they are revolutionizing the workflow.

What is an AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to a technology that allows machines to simulate human-like thought processes. It includes algorithms that enable computers to recognize patterns in data, make inferences, solve problems, and even continuously learn.

AI systems use data and models to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.

This can range from image and speech recognition to decision making in complex scenarios.

AI in everyday business: A new era of automation

AI has fundamentally changed the way companies organize and operate their processes. The implementation of AI technologies enables automated data analysis, forecasting and decision-making in real time.

This optimizes routine tasks and employees can concentrate more on strategic and creative activities.

Automated stock investments: AI at the forefront of the financial market

In today's financial market, artificial intelligence (AI) has taken on a significant role, especially in companies that are technology and innovation centric. The close connection between AI and stock trading is becoming increasingly apparent.

Tech companies that are somehow related to AI have become major players in the stock market. From data-driven analytics to leveraging advanced algorithms, these companies are using their AI expertise to invest in stocks.

The strategic focus on AI-based investments sets these companies apart and is shaping the dynamic of modern finance.

The driving force of transformation: Data extraction through AI automations in modern business life
The driving force of transformation: Data extraction through AI automations in modern business life

AI in business processes: The role of DMS

In the changing business world, document management systems (DMS) play a central role in the integration of AI technologies.

These systems are a shining example of how artificial intelligence can sustainably transform day-to-day business. With the help of AI, DMS can not only save documents, but also automatically classify them, tag them and store them in suitable archives. However, this goes far beyond mere filing and organization.

Notebook with PaperOffice stands on a tidy table
Digitization has a positive impact on the environment and many other benefits

By using AI, modern DMS are able to recognize key information in the documents. This enables accelerated search and analysis of information, saving valuable time previously spent on manual review and interpretation.

Automating these tasks not only helps to dramatically increase operational efficiencies, but also minimizes the risk of human error that can occur in data-intensive processes.

The synergy between AI and DMS impressively shows how technology can help to optimize business processes and lay the foundation for smarter decision-making.

Chat bots as support: AI-controlled customer communication

AI powered bots, especially chat bots, have changed the way businesses interact with customers. Chat bots can respond to requests 24/7, handle routine tasks like setting appointments, and even answer basic questions.

Advances in natural language processing allow these bots to simulate human conversations. They provide quick and precise answers and relieve employees of time-consuming tasks.

The Future of Communication: Explore how AI chatbots are revolutionizing everyday business and enabling seamless interactions.
The Future of Communication: Explore how AI chatbots are revolutionizing everyday business and enabling seamless interactions.

Yes, are they a threat to jobs?

While the support teams recognize the potential that lies ahead, it's natural that these uncharted territory bring with them a bit of apprehension as well as excitement. Our research shows that just over half (53%) of support teams are concerned about the potential negative impact of AI on the customer service industry.

Chatbot Assistants Review: Unleash the Power of AI Interaction
Chatbot Assistants Review: Unleash the Power of AI Interaction

Scepticism about new technologies is perfectly normal - just look at the reaction to the computer when it first became mainstream in the 1980s, and many feared it would kill jobs. As we now know, computers did not take over; They still rely on people to serve them and have created countless new jobs that would have been unthinkable before. We see the same with AI. People and technology (like AI and automation) are the future of customer service.

There is no either/or, just both.

AI chat bots as experts: Automated company information

AI bots are becoming so smart and professional that they are able to provide comprehensive information about the company without human interaction. They may provide information about products, services, company policies, and more.

Not only does this automation allow for an immediate response to customer requests, but it also helps reduce costs by reducing the number of people needed for such tasks.

Research shows that companies have seen significant improvements in customer experience in recent years, largely through the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and automation. According to recent studies, an impressive 61% of the companies surveyed have found that their customer experience has noticeably improved over the past year, and this is primarily due to the integration of AI and due to automation.

Not only has the customer experience improved, but Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT) have also increased at 58% of companies through targeted use of AI and automation. This illustrates how the implementation of modern technologies, especially AI-driven solutions, can help positively impact customer perception and satisfaction.

Conclusion: The diverse effects of AI automation

AI has undoubtedly revolutionized day-to-day business. From automating processes to improving customer communication, AI has created a multitude of possibilities.

However, implementing AI technologies requires careful planning, training, and monitoring. While AI can automate many things, humans remain essential in controlling and adapting these technologies. Overall, AI offers an exciting future for the business world and continues to promise innovative solutions for efficient and effective ways of working.

Read our article on "Top 10 Benefits of Digitizing Paper Documents":

PaperOffice employee is happy to digitize all documents in paper so far and raises her hands in joy
The 10 most important advantages of digitizing paper documents: made easy with PaperOffice

Click here for the guide


To conclude, we will answer a few commonly asked questions on the topic. "The impact of AI automation in everyday business":

For whom is a paperless office suitable?

The quick and easy answer to the question is: for every company. All business sectors and sizes benefit from a paperless office, from SMEs and start-ups to large companies. However, the conversion is particularly valuable for small and medium-sized companies: The reduction in processing effort and costs frees up the budget required for further growth boosters.

Can I use my paperless office in company use a cloud-based DMS provider?

No. Another factor that has been on everyone’s lips since the GDPR came into force in 2018 at the latest is data protection. DMS solutions and DMS software are used to process, manage and store documents that often contain sensitive, personal data. In the event of violations of the GDPR, the legislator provides for high fines.


The digitization of files using software solutions such as PaperOffice DMS offers companies a multitude of advantages. By saving valuable space, fast access to required data, facilitating hybrid work and sustainable time savings, costs can be reduced and efficiency increased.

Digitization is an important step towards modern and sustainable document management. PaperOffice DMS is a powerful solution that supports companies in exploiting the full potential of digitization and staying competitive.

PaperOffice solves every problem: Guaranteed.

Case study

The way to the digital town hall - digitization of the administration

"Easy integration and operation of PaperOffice DMS provided the overall solution that this industry needed: minimize paper consumption, speed up search processes, automate assignment to clerks and enable storage of process-related data."

Mr. Carlos A. Garcia Marketing and Communications Manager