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Efficient document management in mining

Kumul Minerals: Optimized document management with PaperOffice DMS

Professional tip

Mining and raw material extraction

Papua New Guinea


Kumul Minerals Holding Limited (KMHL), a leading mining company headquartered in Papua New Guinea front line in raw material extraction.

With an extensive footprint and a strong commitment to excellence, KMHL has established itself as a major player in the mining industry. Through a clear vision, strategic innovations and sustainable operations, KMHL is a pioneer in creating value for its stakeholders and the region.

Starting position and challenges

Like many companies in the mining industry, KMHL has faced challenges in managing and organizing important records and documents in day-to-day business operations.

The high complexity and volume of documentation, from approval procedures to operating protocols and environmental regulations, made efficient document management essential.

With this in mind, KMHL was looking for a document management system that not only centralizes the documents, but also facilitates collaboration between different departments and locations, while ensuring security and data protection and Supports compliance with legal regulations.

Why KMHL chose PaperOffice DMS

After a thorough review of various document management systems, KMHL chose PaperOffice DMS. The system was chosen because it allowed the company to make minimal changes to its existing workflows while still meeting its needs.

“We chose PaperOffice DMS because the investment is in line with our company's goals, namely to increase efficiency , improve document security and leverage digital transformation. In addition, the costs are extremely attractive compared to other providers,"

recalls Loi Joseph, IT Manager of Kumul Minerals Holdings Limited.

The financial analysis conducted by the IT team showed that PaperOffice DMS was cost-effective and met KMHL's needs.

Three potential document management systems were examined for each Company offers were obtained: PaperOffice, Docuware and M-Files .


To start the implementation, 80 workstations were initially equipped with the document management system, with the Synology NAS chosen as the database.

This initial group formed the starting point for the rollout of the system, while additional workstations were gradually integrated.

Two months after the order was placed, the migration of the existing data was completed, and one month later production operations were successfully started, with the archive solution from Kumul was accepted.

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The implementation went smoothly and the employees were successfully trained.

Through tailored training courses, interactive workshops and practical application examples, all employees were able to get to know and optimally use all of the system's functions. In addition, training materials were provided to serve as a reference for employees even after the training was completed.

Top 3 list of functions,

which makes PaperOffice DMS better than others

  • 1. Text recognition (OCR) and document search
  • 2. Integration and connection to the database on NAS
  • 3. Easy to use and self-explanatory interface

This enabled a seamless transition to using the new system and ensured quick integration into daily workflows.

End result

The implementation of PaperOffice DMS allowed KMHL to improve its document management.

The company was impressed by the adaptability of the user interface, the improved Search for documents and control document versions.

The implementation of the new system went smoothly and KMHL recommended PaperOffice DMS to anyone looking for a document management solution.

Overall, KMHL's experience with PaperOffice DMS was extremely satisfactory and exceeded their expectations.


To conclude, we will answer a few commonly asked questions on the topic. "Mining Company
KUMUL Minerals Holdings Limited":

What is your conclusion and your experience with PaperOffice?

Implementing PaperOffice DMS allowed us to improve our document management and take a step forward to increase our mining efficiency. All the tools are there to save time and increase security when handling important documents. The deployment went smoothly with support during the process and live coaching. Our employees were familiar with PaperOffice within a very short time and felt comfortable using it.


The introduction of PaperOffice enabled us to make our document management efficient and achieve our goals as a mining company.

With the existing tools we were able to save time and improve security when handling important documents.

PaperOffice solves every problem: Guaranteed.

Case study

How IDC Construccion is revolutionizing Document Management in the Construction Industry with PaperOffice DMS

A case study from the construction industry: This is how PaperOffice DMS optimized project management at IDC Construccion