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How the Hartung retirement home increased its efficiency with PaperOffice

Professional tip

Retirement Home / Nursing Service


The importance of digitization in care

Digitization in care is no longer an option but an urgent necessity given the increasing demand for care and the shortage of caregivers.

Switching to digital processes can yield many benefits that improve both the efficiency and quality of care.

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Starting point

In traditional care facilities, numerous documents and records are essential to ensure comprehensive care and attention.

For the Seniorenhof Hartung, the challenge was to manage a wealth of important documents.

So far, this management has been mostly manual, leading to inefficient processes and long processing times.

This analog documentation requires a lot of time and incurs high costs for paper, printers, and toner. Digitization offers an efficient alternative by facilitating access to information and automating workflows.


The Hartung nursing home faced the challenge of optimizing its documentation processes while ensuring the security and accessibility of sensitive information.

  • High paper load and inefficient management of patient records
  • Difficulty in quickly searching and retrieving documents
  • Need to comply with privacy and compliance requirements
  • Solution should not incur high costs and should not be a cloud solution.

Solution with PaperOffice Document Management

After implementing PaperOffice as the central document management system, the following improvements were achieved:

  • Digital archiving: Transition from paper-based to digital patient records, simplifying storage and management.
  • Quick document search: Thanks to OCR text recognition, caregivers and administrators can now quickly access relevant information to improve patient care.
  • Security and compliance: Fulfillment of strict privacy policies through secure digital archiving and access control.

The Hartung nursing home shows how digitization can improve the quality of care and make everyday work easier. The introduction of PaperOffice led to a reduction in the time required for care documentation and enabled faster communication between caregivers.

Notebook mit PaperOffice steht auf aufgeräumtem Tisch
Digitalisierung hat positive Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt sowie viele weiteren Vorteile, wie z.B. Papierersparnis

The benefits of digitization in nursing are diverse: they include increasing the attractiveness of the nursing profession, improving information availability, optimizing workflows, reducing the time required for care documentation, and faster communication in everyday work.

Data protection in digital care: guidelines and practices

Data protection plays a central role in digital care. The use of digital technologies increases the risk of data protection issues.

Nursing facilities work closely with lawyers to ensure that all digital solutions comply with strict data protection laws.

This includes securing systems and training staff in data protection regulations.


By using PaperOffice, the Hartung nursing home was able to achieve significant improvements:

  • Reduction of administrative costs and time savings in document search by 40%.
  • Increased security and compliance through digital archiving.
  • Better care quality through faster access to relevant information.

The Hartung senior facility has worked closely with data protection experts to ensure that the implementation of PaperOffice DMS complies with the applicable data protection regulations. All digital solutions were configured accordingly, and the staff was trained to ensure the protection of sensitive data.


To conclude, we will answer a few commonly asked questions on the topic. "Nursing Home Hartung
Care service with successful digitization":

What are your conclusions and experience with PaperOffice?

The implementation of PaperOffice DMS allowed us to improve our document management and make a step forward to increase our efficiency in mining. All tools are available to save time and increase security when handling important documents. The deployment went smoothly with support during the process and live coaching. Our employees became familiar with PaperOffice in no time and felt comfortable using it.


The introduction of PaperOffice allowed us to organize our document management efficiently and achieve our goals as a mining company.

With the available tools, we were able to save time and improve the security of handling important documents.

PaperOffice solves every problem: Guaranteed.

Case study

Digital change in product development - successful document management

“In industry, the topic of digitization is becoming more and more noticeable. This applies, for example, to our technical data sheets, customer data, calculations or our plans, drawings and configurations. After the introduction of PaperOffice DMS, the manual effort could be reduced. We are now pioneers in digitization in production companies, Industry 4.0.”

Mr. Antonio Jesús Sánchez
Managing Director and Product and Process Engineer at Butterfly Engineers S.L.